Monday, 30 June 2014

Greed, selfishness, exploitation, cruelty, and violence are still all-pervasive on this planet

Meditation Mind

"Greed, selfishness, exploitation, cruelty, and violence are still all-pervasive on this planet,". "When you don't recognise them as individual and collective manifestations of an underlying dysfunction or mental illness, you fall into the error of personalising them. You construct a conceptual identity for an individual or group and you say: 'This is who he is. This is who they are.'" "All this," he notes, "is enormously satisfying to the ego. It strengthens the sense of separation between yourself and the other, whose 'otherness' has become manifested to such an extent that you can no longer feel your common humanity, not the rootedness in the one Life that you share with each human being, your common divinity."

Monday, 23 June 2014

Doctors to vote on cigarette sale ban for those born after 2000


Doctors to vote on cigarette sale ban for those born after 2000 Public health specialist says most adult smokers began as teens and motion is aimed at stopping next generation taking up habit